
Mugii Burum Ban State Conservation Area

Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area is north of Lithgow, north-east of Capertee and south-east of Mudgee.

The park is 3,650 hectares in area and is bounded to the south by the Glen Davis Road and Gardens of Stone National Park, and to the north by Capertee National Park.

Mugii Murum-ban is the Wiradjuri name of Charlie Riley. Mugii means 'a mopoke owl' and murum-ban means ‘eldest son’.

Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area is dominated by two prominent mesas, Genowlan and Airly Mountains, that rise 500 metres from the Capertee Valley. The area is one of dramatic valleys and canyons surrounded by cliffs and rock formations known as pagodas.

The Genowlan mesa is topped by hundreds of 'pagoda' rock formations. Notable formations include the 'Citadel', the 'Valley of the Kings', and the 'Grotto' with 20 metre tall Brown Barrel eucalypt trees and four metre tall tree ferns.


Centennial Grove Grotto Canyon, Blue Mnts


Bouddi National Park